I Love U... Ni Dong Bu Dong?
Kelvin Wei Lian
Kelvin Wei Lian

"Si Nian Jiu Xiang Nao Hai Li De Yi Shou Qing Ge, Yong Yuan Ye Chang Bu Wan, Yong Yuan Mei You Ju Dian"

Chapter 4

Four years later.

“Hi Wei Lian, I think your songs are really nice you know. I hope to be able to hear your songs on radio one day.” A regular patron at the Jose’s Place Café pats Wei Lian on the shoulders as he passes his song dedications forms to him.

Wei Lian just smiled and uttered thanks softly as he sat on the high stool. His fingers lightly brushes against the guitar strings and strummed softly.

“Wei Lian, can you sing us that song? The one you always sing? We haven’t heard it from you tonight.” Another table of café patrons requested.

Wei Lian’s long fingers continued to strum lightly against the guitar strings. That song.. Wei Lian smiled again. The song that he had sang for Cherie.

During the past four years, Wei Lian has been continuing his street-busking as well as performances at the café. From the day Cherie left, he started to sing the song he had initially written for the competition, and it has now become a regular song in his repertoire.

Deep in his heart, he has been hoping that Cherie will come by one day and hear him sing the song again. Whenever he skips this song, his ardent supporters will ask him why he is not singing it and will thereafter request for it. He has never told anyone the story behind the song. But those who listened to the song could feel that there is a sad past behind it, for he always returned their questions about the song with a gentle, wistful smile and doesn’t say a word more about it.

Each time he sings that song, he is bound to feel a rush of emotions. The bittersweet feeling is indescribable. It’s been so long since Cherie left but his feelings for her have never once waned. The nagging question of whether he should have told her how he felt towards her lingers in his heart. He treasured her too much to lose her friendship.

He still remembers clearly the day when Cherie left because of Jason. Jason had known that Cherie was leaving and he had actually rushed to the airport too, only to find a dejected and red-eyed Wei Lian. Wei Lian refused to tell Jason anything about what had happened. Struggling to accept the fact that Cherie had left, Wei Lian could only bring himself to say to Jason, “She loves you a lot.”

The shocked Jason finally realized the aching pain that he had constantly felt. He thought that he had loved his current girlfriend, Theresa. But in actual fact, his deep feelings for Jessica had gradually switched to being placed on Cherie. He had tried to shake it off as just buddy love. Never did he imagine that the feeling he felt is actually his love for Cherie. He thought that perhaps he had missed Jessica so much that he subconsciously treated Cherie as a substitute. To avoid that, he had gone on to woo Theresa. Now that Cherie is gone, he finally realized his true feelings.

Shortly after, Jason broke up with Theresa and never had another girlfriend ever since. He has been waiting for Cherie to come back. He was totally unaware that Wei Lian also loves Cherie and is missing her dearly too. Since that day, Cherie has not gotten in touch with both of them and they had no idea where she has gone. They can only wait…

One warm afternoon at Jose’s Place Café. “Wei Lian, can you sing Chu Mo for us please?” A regular audience requested from where she was seated. Wei Lian obliged with a smile and started to strum the intro of the song.

Out on the streets, a girl was strolling along with her hands in her jeans pockets, deep in thoughts. As she walked past the café, she heard someone singing and was immediately captivated. The voice was rich and brimming with emotions. The melody and lyrics seemed to be painting a sad story. A story like hers.

Listening to the song made her recall her past relationship. The memories started flooding back. She remembered the guy who had hurt her greatly. The guy who had taught her how to love and then cold-heartedly left her behind in Singapore without a word. He had left the country one day and called back to tell her that he wanted a breakup, because his mum did not approve of her, the reason being her cheerfulness did not fit into their family. “Fang Qi, stop thinking of him!” she chided herself in her head.

Since then, she hardly put on a smile and completely hides her cheerfulness. The blow had been too big for her. The betrayal was too hurtful. She loved him so much and this is what she got in return. Her character took a 360-degree turn for the worse and she became a strong-headed, rebellious and short-tempered girl, acquiring bad habits like gambling and picking quarrels with others.

Disillusioned with what happened, she took a two-year long break and decided to continue with the degree that she had given up after the broken relationship. Finally she completed her studies at the University and today was actually her graduation day.

She had slipped out after the graduation ceremony and strolled along the streets adjacent to the university. As the song “Chu Mo” came to an end, she stood there for a while before continuing down the streets.

At the back of her mind, she found the singer’s voice very familiar. But somehow she just can’t place the voice. Little did she know it was the visually handicapped busker she had ran into four years back. The one who sang “Ai Shi Ni Yan Li De Yi Shou Qing Ge” for her during the lowest point in her life.
I <3 U... U Know?
I Love U... Ni Dong Bu Dong

Wo Zhi Shi Xiang Yao
song playing
get yourself a wo zhi shi xiang yao album
chen wei lian kelvin
do get yourself one copy

Words To All

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This is a Valentine's Day Special. What could be a better way to enjoy this special day? A fanfic of Wei Lian which is linked to his 3 new songs, and is officially launched on this special day. I love U. Ni Dong Bu Dong. Where love is concerned, happiness is not about whether you are loved by the one you love, but it is because you love him/her that makes the difference. Love is all around, in many forms. Happy Valentine's Day.

--Specially dedicated to Kelvin Tan Wei Lian and all Blue Angels

-All characters and storylines are fictitious, any similarities are purely coincidental.

*Please check back for more updates everyday...


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winglin.net fanfic



**Hello all readers we have set up a poll due to the curiousity of our team, wanting to know who the readers want the character to be ended up with. But the end result will not determine the story ending.

Who Do You Wish The Characters Eventually End Up With?
 • Wei lian & Cherie
 • Wei Lian & Fang Qi
 • Wei Lian & Jace
 • Jason & Cherie
 • Jason & Fang Qi
 • Jake & Fang Qi
View the answers


Team Of
I Love U. Ni Dong Bu Dong
Copyrighted 2006
Copyrighted 2006. I love you, ni dong bu dong? All Rights Reserved. No plagarism allowed.
Patent Pending.
Photo Taken From Wo Zhi Shi Xiang Yao Album
By Kelvin Chen Wei Lian
Photo Edited By Stratical

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